recognition - Direct Selling News The News You Need. The Name You Trust. Fri, 19 Jan 2024 20:35:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 recognition - Direct Selling News 32 32 GENERATIONAL INSIGHTS / Recognition Fri, 19 Jan 2024 20:33:17 +0000 For the purposes of this study, recognition was really explored under the umbrella of “Motivations.” Meaning, we examined all the programs, communication, celebration and incentives that would most likely resonate for direct sellers to join, stay and thrive with direct selling companies. Interestingly, the differences between men and women were just as stark as the differences between generations.

The post GENERATIONAL INSIGHTS / Recognition first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Actionable insights and opportunities from the first-ever direct selling generational engagement study.

Direct selling has become an increasingly popular avenue for individuals to start their own businesses and earn income. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the perceptions surrounding direct selling, the Direct Sales Generational Engagement Study was conducted by Bridgehead Collective and carried out by The Center for Generational Kinetics, led by President Jason Dorsey. – Yuri A/

In this first-of-its-kind study, Bridgehead Collective chose to partner with the Center for Generational Kinetics, which has led more than 100 research studies in all major industries. Their seminal annual study, The State of Gen Z, formed the basis for the best-selling book, ZConomy and has been consistently featured in national and global media including The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNN and many more.

I set out to discover America’s perceptions of entrepreneurship, the gig economy and—more pointedly—direct selling. Statistical significance was of ultimate importance in this analysis, so the study represents a wide-sweeping sample that is reflective of America, with an equitable mix of genders, demographics, employment status, education levels and location that allows for a 97 percent confidence level. This study aimed to explore the attitudes, motivations, limitations and beliefs about starting a business in America, as well as uncover perceptions of direct selling, recruiting strategies, onboarding methods, distributor retention and preferred payment structures.

We designed the study to provide actionable insights across 10 key categories:

In this series, we are digging deeper into each of these categories, focusing this month on all things related to Recognition.

Last month highlighted one of the more shocking findings of the study related to compensation—particularly how we market and present the “size” of the income opportunity. The most critical actionable insight was that when it comes to compensation, you really need to have targeted messages depending on your audience as not only do you risk not appealing to the right generation, but there is significant risk associated with turning them off irreparably.

When it comes to recognition, the consequences of “getting it wrong” might not be so dire, but this category represents MASSIVE upside when we can get it right. Interestingly, the differences between men and women were just as stark as the differences between generations.

But let’s start with what we mean when we talk about “Recognition.” For the purposes of this study, recognition was really explored under the umbrella of “Motivations.” Meaning, we examined all the programs, communication, celebration and incentives that would most likely resonate for direct sellers to join, stay and thrive with direct selling companies.

The ultimate goal here was to divine what specific things we could employ to help each generation maximize our compensation plans by moving up in leadership and improve retention by having a cohesive, aligned set of programs and incentives that all work together to inspire your sellers to keep going.

If you follow this series or my podcast, you know how passionate I am about retention, often referring to it as the holy grail of our industry. Turns out, this study revealed all kinds of insights that we have been helping companies employ to specifically drive retention (with awesome results, BTW!).

The Gifts that Keep on Giving

The way we phrased the first question speaks to this retention issue. We asked all participants:

What would absolutely convince you to stay at a direct selling business after the first three months?

This question served two purposes, and we covered some of the results in our last installment about compensation. As you may remember…the first answer was definitely crafted by Captain Obvious himself (we’re all pretty sure he’s a guy, right?). Number one answer on the board—with 55 percent ranking it as their #1 answer—getting paid.

NDAB Creativity/

Repeat after me: duh!

But starting with the second answer things start to get REALLY interesting.

For Gen Z, the belief that they are part of a cause or a company that is creating change in the world would “absolutely convince” them to stay with a company. Absolutely convince. And this is in their FIRST THREE MONTHS.

Now, I can already hear so many of you saying to yourselves…believe in a cause? That’s not recognition. That’s an entirely different segment of our events. That’s not even part of the sales and recognition team.

Precisely. But perhaps it should be.

As we move to the Action Item portion of the article, here is your first Action Item. Since I feel like we are having a conversation now, I know what you’re thinking: ”Heather, wasn’t this very thing an action item last month? Didn’t you already advise us to tell our charitable story early, proudly and often?”

Yes. Yes, I did. That should tell you how powerful this topic is…it makes the action list for MULTIPLE categories.

Action Item: Completely rethink the role that your mission and charitable cause has in your field recognition program, making your field leaders the hero of the story, not the company.

What do I mean by that? So many of us talk about our cause, our mission, our impact, our accomplishments that we are making as a way of touting the company. Making sure we are telling others how amazing “the company” is.

What if we flip that script? What if the impact that we are making is instead framed through the lens of our field leaders. What THEY are doing to effect change. How many children THEY have fed. How many carbon units THEY have offset. How many bottles THEY have kept out of landfills. How many natural disaster victims THEY have helped.

What if we sent them a snapshot each year, Spotify Wrapped style, that pulled their specific stats and showed them the difference they were making in the world? What if that was one of your recognition categories on your monthly conference calls, social posts and annual events?

If you are targeting Gen Z or Younger Millennials, you may be incredibly surprised at the loyalty, passion and energy this change can make. And when it comes to retention—nothing is stickier than the belief that YOU matter.

Be Better, Not Boring

When you look at some of the more traditional elements of recognition that we employ in our companies, the bottom line is that most of the historical ways we recognize people, the next generations find…well…boring.

Less than 25 percent of Gen Z and Younger Millennials said that “Mentions on the Company Social Media Pages” or “Being Recognized at a Regional or National Event” would make them feel valued.

That’s not a lot, given how much time energy and expense we put into all of those…especially event recognition. So, if the question is “why,” the answer is two-fold.

One, it’s just not as cool as it once was. The next generations are increasingly looking for things that benefit their families; their communities; and the lives they are building. They are not looking externally for affirmation nearly as much as the older generations. As a commentary on society, awesome! But this shift certainly requires a few pivots as far as our recognition budgets are concerned.

But what’s the second reason? How Insta-Worthy the experience is! The what-used-to-be-ubiquitous pictures on social from all our events: walking across stage; waving flags; getting jewelry, flowers or whatever else—feel like relics from another era. What used to be Facebook fodder is considered cringeworthy by younger generations.

What do they want instead? Experiences. Moments. Magical moments that elevate their personal brand. They want to expose their community of followers to things they haven’t seen; places they haven’t been; and experiences they haven’t had.

We see that from the anecdotal comments from the study as well as the data. The study showed that two of the top three things that would make younger generations feel valued:

  • Getting to Go on a Trip to Somewhere Fun and Bring a Guest
  • Tickets to Events or Experiences (Concerts, Sporting Events, etc.)

These combined represent the top choice for 69 percent of all generations and 91 percent of Gen Z and Millennials.

Action Item: Scrub those recognition budgets. Reallocate as much as you possibly can to things that are experiential in nature.

So what does that mean in practice? Take a look at all those programs that you have (that used to be super successful) and re-frame them. For example, do you have a “pin program” or something similar where your leaders can earn different rank advancement jewelry, pins, necklaces, watches or jewels embedded in things that denote achievement?


We’ve all been there—and the OGs in our field will never be shy about telling us how much and how hard and how long they worked to get that next thing! Just so they could show it off. But that just doesn’t work anymore. And all too often we feel like these programs are foundational—a part of our culture and history—so it almost feels sacrilegious to think about abandoning them.

It’s not. They were created for a specific moment in time. And they worked. Now they don’t. It’s OK to change.

What if the thing they were working to “complete” or “achieve” were figurative (or literal) passport stamps. How many different states can they earn weekend retreats in? How many different countries can they see because of your company? How many different concerts? Super Bowls, the World Series…whatever it is…keep the “collection” in place—just swap out the elements for things that will resonate even more with today’s seller. And worried about those events? Still recognize…but highlight those achievements instead.

The love language of the younger generation is firmly rooted in experiences. Experiences that enrich their lives and—most importantly—that photograph beautifully. Because if you can’t share it on Instagram…did it really happen?

So that covers the first part of recognition and what makes tomorrow’s sellers feel valued, celebrated and will make them want to stay forever. Please look out for the next article where we jump into all things promotional. What works? What doesn’t? How much is too much? Each generation, as they say, has big feelings on this issue. Can’t wait to share them with you.

WANT TO KNOW HOW ATTRACTIVE YOUR COMPANY IS TO EACH GENERATION? Schedule your Generational Attraction Assessment today, complimentary for DSN Gold and Platinum Supporters.

With 20+ years of cross-functional experience in direct selling, Heather Chastain brings a solid understanding of sales, marketing, technology, manufacturing, operations and C-Suite challenges as well as a strong collaborative and relational style of leadership to the table. Heather has held executive roles at Shaklee, Arbonne International, Celebrating Home and BeautiControl. Heather also serves as the Strategic Advisor at DSN and is the Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Bridgehead Collective.

From the January/February 2024 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post GENERATIONAL INSIGHTS / Recognition first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Can Direct Selling Adapt? Tue, 09 May 2023 20:01:24 +0000 How should direct sellers evolve to compete in the New Economy of the 2020s? The answers to the questions are at once simpler and more complex than most people think.

The post Can Direct Selling Adapt? first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Obstacles in the New Economy & How to Beat Them

Direct selling is at a serious inflection point. With the triple threat of inflation, post-pandemic malaise, and the invasion of Ukraine continuing to burden sales for industry leaders, companies must ask themselves: how have distributor and consumer desires, expectations, and behaviors changed? Many direct selling companies have made the mistake of focusing on their processes, operations, and business results without considering the psychologies and behaviors of distributors and end consumers.

What can direct selling companies today do to account for these changes? How should direct sellers evolve to compete in the New Economy of the 2020s? The answers to the questions are at once simpler and more complex than most people think.

1. Distributors Are Tired.

While direct selling is somewhat siloed off from the larger economy (due to the industry’s singular nature), still, it can’t help but be affected by some of the dominant trends in the workforce. Chief among them is the same sense of overwork that sparked, first, the Great Resignation, and second, “quiet quitting” in traditional organizations. 81%+ of the workforce as of last year felt overwhelmed, while threats of a recession looming will not have helped matters in 2023.

The story isn’t all that different in direct selling, where 2021, the latest year with conclusive data, showed a 5.2% decrease in direct selling distributors overall. At best, it seems that consultant turnover rates remained stagnant through 2022, with sales productivity not reaching the highs of the pandemic, when members of the field were stuck at home and more likely to spend more time on social business-building at a time when loneliness was rampant among older adults.

In addition, distributors have simple ways to earn money that in their eyes, might not require as much initial effort. They can sign up with a gig platform. They can create an eCommerce shop after registering with Etsy. They can find part-time or freelance work. How can direct selling persuade distributors to give it their “timeshare” in today’s marketplace? If the New Economy has been defined so far by trends like the Great Resignation and quiet quitting, direct selling decision-makers need a way around this.

Direct selling field operations cannot proceed as normal without enhancing reliability, capability, and ultimately sales performance at scale among field distributors. Leaders in field operations and sales must reconsider how they drive field efforts or risk further corporate downturns.

SOLUTION: Embrace digital transformation and the benefits of modern technology.

At a basic level, direct selling is at even more of a disadvantage than traditional companies here. Distributors are obviously not employees and cannot be compelled to perform or be productive. They must be subtly, continually persuaded to sell. And so the “tools” that direct sellers use to appeal to distributors take on outsize importance.

The “tools” that distributors have access to, the means by which they onboard, upskill, and sell to consumers, are the points of connection between the company and the distributor: they are the main hinge point that binds the company together with the individual. When distributors see the company’s tools as bare bones, their estimation of the company goes down. When distributors see the company’s tools as state-of-the-art, their estimation of the company goes up. We see this borne out at Rallyware, where we provide an all-in-one field Performance Enablement Platform for sales forces.

Last year direct selling companies, after adding “Incentives & Recognition” tools to their Distributor Experience (i.e., the set of tools the distributor has access to), saw a 3.4X average increase in user sessions, meaning that richer, smarter, more state-of-the-art tools–or points of connection–result in a more engaged, less “tired” field.

We’ll dive into this more later, because from this solution alone, it’s not clear what kinds of tools are useful for the New Economy.

2. Consumers Are More Cautious.

Today’s consumers have to navigate inflation, a more uncertain job market, and the pressures of interest rates, all at once. It makes sense, then, that consumer-facing industries like retail and direct selling have seen downturns even among leaders. Meanwhile, as of December 2022, consumer spending on services had jumped 8.7% year over year, reflecting a shift in priorities away from tangible goods.

So part of the reason why direct selling has seen flagging distributor enthusiasm is this–it’s just become harder to sell. It’s harder to get customers to part with their hard-earned money. This is particularly true in the wake of the pandemic, when many consumers were spending more freely and now are tightening their purse strings. How do direct sellers drive field sales performance and behaviors, and thus more revenue (as well as earnings for distributors themselves, encouraging them to stay in the field)?

Again, though this might seem to be a consumer-facing question, it really impacts field operations. A maximally empowered field will be able to convert more customers. Operations and sales leaders would do well to pay attention.

SOLUTION: Embrace digital technology that connects distributor activities to real, measurable sales results. and the achievement of distributor goals and corporate business outcomes, at every turn.

Many technological, distributor-facing platforms simply provide “onboarding tools” or “learning tools” to make these processes easier, “digitalizing” them. While such tools can be helpful, they do not quite meet the moment nor the market, which require field sales performance enablement at every turn. Largely, Rallyware’s “Performance Enablement” model of technology architecture has been built to address this reality.

Performance Enablement means that each action taken by a distributor gets leveraged intelligently by the platform to enable higher (sales) performance. Nothing happens in a vacuum. When the distributor gets recommended learning content, the platform intelligently calibrates the right content to company KPIs (does revenue need to rise? How about retention?) and the distributor’s self-defined goals and sales progress.

The result is not just a “learning journey.” It’s a business-building experience attuned to the shifting needs and goals of the distributor, with the aim of driving the sales performance and behaviors that will benefit her and the company. Learning becomes upskilling, the enhancement of field capabilities. What we see is knowledge for the sake of enablement.

The point here is that it’s not enough to digitalize field operations, but to digitally transform the field experience in a way that enables and prioritizes sales performance. This explains why we’ve calculated that direct selling companies on average +53% sales productivity growth via upskilling in the Performance Enablement model. Distributors become active salespersons, not just reps to be bought from.

3. Distributors Want Direct Selling Companies to Care About Them.

With a larger amount of direct selling companies competing for a smaller amount of distributors, organizations have to stand apart from the pack. Furthermore, consumers generally want brands to care about them, and there’s no reason why distributors shouldn’t feel this way as well: after all, logically speaking, they’re representing a brand, and they should feel connected to it. Distributors want a personalized experience with the direct selling brand they rep–that feeling of, “Oh, they know me.” Having this capability is at the very least a way for an organization to stand apart.

This is a tall ask at a time when companies are competing to see how much they can cut costs. Every week brings a fresh round of layoffs for major companies (Amazon, Meta, Disney, Lyft), and though that wave may not have hit direct selling yet, still there’s the imperative in an uncertain environment to slash expenses. Yet how can you invest in personalization and recognition for the field while trimming budgets?

Surprisingly, you can do both by digitally transforming field operations using the Performance Enablement model.

Solution: Embrace consolidation in digital transformation.

Tech consolidation helps you both cut expenses, by cutting out multiple vendors, and further personalize the distributor’s experience. At Rallyware, we’ve found that the Performance Enablement model for consolidating tech has borne fruit. Customers bring multiple tools under one umbrella, saving money and time spent on separate vendors.

At the same time, data from separate tools flow into the results and recommendations from the others. This leads to an optimally personalized experience, enabling the distributor for sales performance in the way that’s right for her. The business outcomes are significant and measurable. To be specific, on average, our internal research has found, direct sellers see 30.3% sales growth year-over-year when consolidating learning and rewards and recognition tools, versus customers who implement field enablement learning tools alone.

Further, as we discuss in our Performance Enablement Platform white paper, learning activities consolidated with business activities, smart notifications, and social features result in an average 38% increase in productivity.

Cutting costs while doing more with your technology sounds like a paradox, doesn’t it? It’s not, really. It’s simply what’s required to grow in, and transform field operations for, the distributor and consumer of the 2020s. And it’s what Performance Enablement technology is built to provide.

Finally, breakthrough technologies like an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chat Agent will help the distributor feel a connection with the brand, the company, and its products. In essence, this Chat Agent, as developed and exclusively provided by Rallyware, uses the latest advances in natural language processing to deliver an AI-enabled smart assistant to the distributor, answering her queries and showing her not only answers, but sales aids and suggestions to help her sales performance. With an easy-to-use, mobile smart assistant, the distributor feels cared for. She also feels: this company is on the cutting edge of technology. She trusts them.

Rallyware invests in, and delivers, major leaps forward in direct selling technologies. We’re transforming direct selling today with the tools and products of tomorrow. Accelerate your digital transformation and clear the competition. Request your demonstration today.

The post Can Direct Selling Adapt? first appeared on Direct Selling News.

New Study Shows Recognition is the “Secret Sauce” to a Healthy Workplace Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:07:00 +0000 Employees who reported being meaningfully recognized each week were twice as likely to also experience a higher-level of physical and mental wellbeing.

The post New Study Shows Recognition is the “Secret Sauce” to a Healthy Workplace first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Recent research by the Achievers Workforce Institute sought to determine what elements are necessary to create a company culture that prioritizes wellbeing for its employees. 

Through academic study and a survey of 2,000 employees and 1,000 human resources professionals worldwide, the results pointed to three key “drivers” necessary for employees to have a sense of wellbeing in the workplace: 

  • Inclusion, acceptance and feeling valued 
  • Feeling part of the team and “being warmly welcomed” 
  • A supportive manager 

Supporting these, however, is a non-negotiable ingredient that the study showed fostered all three “drivers” of wellbeing: recognition

Employees who reported being meaningfully recognized each week were twice as likely to also experience a higher-level of physical and mental wellbeing. They were also twice as likely to be skilled at managing stress. 

While many company leaders might say they are practiced at providing recognition for team members who participate in wellbeing initiatives, the study points to a wide gap between perception and reality among its top-tier leaders. C-suite executives believed they were recognizing employees well at a higher rate (36%), while only 14% of senior contributors and 12% of junior contributors agreed. 

According to the study, teams “with a recognition platform outperform those without a formal program when it comes to wellbeing outcomes.” Employees who work in an environment that has a recognition platform in place reported feeling that the company supported employee wellbeing at almost twice the rate (32%) as those employees who worked at a company without a recognition platform (18%). 

The post New Study Shows Recognition is the “Secret Sauce” to a Healthy Workplace first appeared on Direct Selling News.

How Smart Incentives and Recognition Programs Empower Distributors Fri, 23 Jul 2021 16:30:27 +0000 How can we show distributors that they are valued and appreciated? How can direct selling companies motivate and engage their distributors, offering a personalized and tailored approach to helping them reach their goals? How can they effectively guide them along the pathway to success as they build and grow their businesses?

The post How Smart Incentives and Recognition Programs Empower Distributors first appeared on Direct Selling News.

As the work landscape transforms and more and more individuals pursue entrepreneurial ventures, direct selling is booming. The industry counted a global force of 122 million people in 2018, and 119.9 million in 2019. With such a large and distributed sales force, there is the opportunity to tap into this rich network, and supercharge distributors for success.   

How can we show distributors that they are valued and appreciated? How can direct selling companies motivate and engage their distributors, offering a personalized and tailored approach to helping them reach their goals? How can they effectively guide them along the pathway to success as they build and grow their businesses? 

Enter: incentives and recognition – solutions that recognize and reward effective day-to-day actions, taking note of the impact that each individual has in contributing towards goal progression and a company’s growth. 

The COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity for distributors to embrace new ways of working – to harness new and existing technologies, adopt new mindsets and think outside the box. Recent research from Rallyware found that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, distributors and leaders have taken this as an opportunity to focus on enhancing distributed workforce training. The research revealed that sales force training numbers are on the rise, finding that in March of 2020, a 22% increase in new learning and engagement content was available to team members than had been offered in previous months.

Rallyware Infographic

Now is the time to stop and consider: what are some new and innovative ways to connect entrepreneurial training with the personal goals and motivations of the sales field and provide them with an outstanding experience? What are some ways to go above and beyond, to help them reach their goals and ultimate business success? Here is where the power of incentives and recognition programs come into play.  

4 reasons why you should consider implementing a smart incentives and recognition program in 2022:

1. Provide a visual roadmap to success for each distributor

As a distributor, where am I standing in terms of achieving my goals? In terms of my peers? An incentives and recognition solution answers these and other key questions. Armed with personalized dashboards and leaderboards, individuals can easily track their performance. How many new connections have they made so far this month? How many emails have they sent? If a distributor has a monthly goal of connecting with 100 people via Facebook and they have already connected with 75, for instance, their dashboard would show that they are 75% of their way towards completion. There’s only that 25% push needed for the distributor to reach their goal … what are they waiting for? 
There is a strong correlation between heightened distributor activity and increases in sales – Rallyware’s recent analysis examined users’ behavior and interactions with an incentives and recognition platform. Comparing those who simply registered on the platform and no longer interacted with it, versus the more active users who were highly engaged with the platform, the sales of the latter were, on average, 2.1 times higher.

Rallyware Graph

This was also found to be true for users who even simply interacted with the platform passively, using it as an information panel presenting their progress, goals and achievements. These findings demonstrate the power of a visual roadmap – even by visiting and viewing their individual progress and how far along each distributor is in reaching her or his goals helps to drive sales productivity at scale. 

2. Personalize what motivates each distributor

Based on Rallyware’s experience, the ideal technique is to harness a data-driven analytical approach, keeping track of working behaviors, daily activities, and performance results. Use data to design personalized journeys that help each member of the distributed workforce progress toward their goals, with a personalized set of activities triggered for each individual, who are provided with smart notifications to complete various tasks. 

Rallyware’s analysis found that the more smart notifications that were opened, the higher tasks completions were for these users. ‘Tasks’ are suggested micro-activities related to how distributors can reach their goals. For instance, based on their goal to expand their Facebook network, a distributor is provided with daily reminders to send out connection requests. Having this virtual ‘tap on the shoulder’ to complete tasks that are in line with their goals proves to be beneficial, to both the distributor and the overall companies’ sales results. Additionally, as noted previously, the analysis revealed that task completions are directly correlated to sales growth. 

Personalizing the business growth roadmap allows individuals to remain connected to their goals, and helps business leaders better support and empower each individual member of their team at scale. This information can then be used to help them flourish.     

3. Align your distributors around your brand values (networking and community)

Dispersed across borders and time zones, how can distributors better connect, learn from one another and network? Incentives and recognition programs allow for communities to be built, based on regions, interests, product lines and more, where each individual can belong to multiple communities for a segmented experience, relevant specific to them. Imagine: as a new distributor, John has no background in the direct selling industry. As part of an incentives and recognition program, he can engage in some friendly competition with his team members, and win some fun prizes. He is also part of different communities – with others nearby him in the New York area, and others that are new to the company like him.  

4. Continuously incentivize the right behaviors 

Boosting distributor engagement to drive performance is the ultimate goal for each direct selling company, and what better way to encourage engagement if perks and prizes are on offer? Distributors earn points for each activity they complete, and, based on their accomplishments, partake in peer-to-peer and team competitions. When distributors achieve significant milestones, these accomplishments are praised with virtual and/or real rewards and recognition. Companies should develop incentives and recognition programs in such a way that each activity delivered to a distributor is aligned with the overall business objectives. Hence, smart incentives and recognition programs drive desired distributor behaviors.

On his personalized leaderboard, for example, John sees there is a pair of hockey tickets to be won (and he is a big hockey fan). He is currently in third place to win this prize, and has made 27 out of 40 of his targeted sales for the month. Sandra and Peter are currently ahead of him. Will John work harder in hopes to win the tickets? Most likely. Let’s all cheer for John and his team this year while we see the direct selling industry going through digital transformation and adopting the most efficient and innovative tools and technologies.  

All of these best practices have already been implemented in the recently released Rallyware Incentives and Recognition Suite. With the advancements in the Suite, Rallyware’s customers are anticipating 2X growth in retention. Such an innovative solution has been demanded by industry players in order to drive desired distributor behaviors. Learn more about the power and impact of a personalized I&R Suite! Schedule a demo to see Rallyware’s solution in action.

The post How Smart Incentives and Recognition Programs Empower Distributors first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Isagenix Named One of Arizona’s Most Admired Companies for 2018 Thu, 20 Sep 2018 16:04:19 +0000 Gilbert, Ariz.-based Isagenix International was recently selected as one of Arizona’s Most Admired Companies for 2018 by Az Business Magazine and BestCompaniesAZ. “This is the most comprehensive corporate awards program in Arizona, and due to the breadth of the areas it examines, companies who are selected join a prestigious group of employers in Arizona,” said Denise Gredler, […]

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Gilbert, Ariz.-based Isagenix International was recently selected as one of Arizona’s Most Admired Companies for 2018 by Az Business Magazine and BestCompaniesAZ.

“This is the most comprehensive corporate awards program in Arizona, and due to the breadth of the areas it examines, companies who are selected join a prestigious group of employers in Arizona,” said Denise Gredler, founder and CEO of BestCompaniesAZ and co-founder of the Most Admired Companies program. “This program recognizes the wonderful contributions and impact these most admired companies bring to the state.”

Companies were chosen based on performance in five areas: workplace culture, leadership excellence, corporate and social responsibility, customer opinion and innovation. There were 187 entries for the award this year. Isagenix was one of 55 honorees that also included American Express, Arizona Diamondbacks, Dun & Bradtstreet and Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona.

“We strive for excellence in every area of the business, and our reputation as an exceptional health and wellness company and employer is important to us, so I’m thrilled Isagenix was named one of Arizona’s Most Admired Companies,” said Isagenix Chief Executive Officer Travis Ogden. “We thank Az Business Magazine and BestCompaniesAZ for this honor and congratulate all the winners. We’re humbled to share this recognition with them.”

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BE ALL YOU CAN BE… BE PART OF THE GLOBAL 100 Fri, 02 Feb 2018 14:02:34 +0000 Personal development and self-improvement have been linked with the direct selling segment for decades. The notion of improving your current situation is what draws so many people to direct selling in the first place. As you’ll learn from this month’s cover story, personal development remains fundamental to the best of what modern direct selling has […]

The post BE ALL YOU CAN BE… BE PART OF THE GLOBAL 100 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Personal development and self-improvement have been linked with the direct selling segment for decades. The notion of improving your current situation is what draws so many people to direct selling in the first place. As you’ll learn from this month’s cover story, personal development remains fundamental to the best of what modern direct selling has to offer.

Author Courtney Roush talks to a number of direct selling executives who outline the importance of personal development in their lives, careers and businesses. The giant shifts in technology haven’t quelled the urge to achieve more and do better; rather, they provide brand-new avenues for learning.

Heather Martin also brings insight from her interviews with company executives at Amway in this issue. She shares how their belief in the underlying purpose of bringing value and empowerment to people’s lives drives the company’s initiatives. In another feature, Beth Douglass Silcox explores cultural authenticity with Heidi and Orville Thompson, co-founders of home fragrance company Scentsy. And finally, Lin Grensing-Pophal catches up with fast-growing Jamberry, the nail wrap company.

Of course, a big part of self-improvement is taking stock in what you’ve already been able to achieve. That brings us to the other subject that’s top of mind this month: the Direct Selling News Global 100.

Nine years ago, we embarked on an ambitious project to chart the world’s 100 largest direct selling companies. Plenty of people doubted that we could convince companies to publish their annual revenue, as well as to get them to provide the other information used to compile the list. But we succeeded and the Global 100 was launched.

Since then, we’ve put together this international listing every year. Being a member of the Global 100 provides valuable recognition for those appearing on the list.

But the Global 100 couldn’t be a success without the active and enthusiastic participation of countless companies around the world. We’d like to take a moment to thank every one of you for your impressive collective efforts throughout the years. And we’d also like to ask for your help once again so we can make this year’s Global 100 the best one yet.

To insure that, we are asking all active executives at direct selling companies to visit and fill out the nomination form and complete the company profile.

The words one past honoree used to describe the Global 100 bring back this month’s theme of being all that you can be.

“The DSN Global 100 is a way for the world to look at this industry as a whole,” this company executive told us. “It’s a privilege. It’s an honor. And it’s an inspiration to keep growing and to keep getting better at it.”

The post BE ALL YOU CAN BE… BE PART OF THE GLOBAL 100 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

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