The DSN Global 100 list offers a unique perspective on the global impact of the direct selling industry on economic and social realms. It provides a range of mutual learning not only for industry members but also for researchers, investors and—most important—those seeking opportunities within the industry.

The Bravo Awards recognizes companies for outstanding achievement and excellence in areas of leaders and revenue growth. Specialty awards also honor individuals and companies for their achievements and service.

There is a depth of wisdom that comes only from lived experience, and for six industry legends, that wisdom feels infinite. In this exclusive Direct Selling Legends Interview Series Jerry Brassfield, John Fleming, Stan Fredrick, Rick Goings, Rudy Revak and Larry Thompson share candid anecdotes about what drew them to the business model and offer powerful wisdom-filled memories from more than their 50 years each in the channel that can serve as inspiration for young entrepreneurs eager to match their historic ambition and achievements.