The industry news and stories you want—delivered in a text to your phone.

The VIP Text Alerts are a new way to receive the industry news and information you want in text, sent straight to your phone.
If text is one of your preferred means for communication and information, simply text us at +1 (214) 239-3043. Our team will get you set up in our contacts and send you our contact information to save in your phone.
The VIP Text Alerts allows you to customize the industry news that you’re most interested in. By joining, you’ll get access to breaking industry news and so much more in a convenient text! There’s no separate app to download—it literally shows up right in your phone’s texts.
You tell DSN what type of news and stories you are most interested in. We have no intention of flooding your phones with every single story we post here and on our social channels every day. Unless that is what you want, we can make it happen just for you!
Sign up for DSN VIP Text Alerts
The VIP Text Alerts group will receive the news and stories that matter most to them in a text. Everyone can still access all of the news, stories and content here, on our social channels, podcasts and everywhere you can find DSN.